They may experience transient psychosis.' Disclaimer: It is often accompanied by social anxiety, paranoia, and discomfort around other people. It's characterized by behavioral and thought patterns that deviate from the norm, as well as a variety of broadly defined unusual experiences, such as dissociation, odd beliefs, and perceptual alterations. Schizotypal PD is derivative from this concept. 'Schizotypy, as a dimension, refers to a set of personality characteristics that may predispose someone towards schizophrenia. This trait should not be used along with my other personality disorder traits because they replace the same buffs. Thank you! > changes: lowered chance of getting negative moodlets from conversations, deleted 3 moodlets related to this.
> changes: Added Portuguese-Brazil translation by alissontutoriais as additional file. I should have just done that sooner, sorry. In the end, I just decided to solve it manually, which didn't really take long. I took way longer than I should have, but I was waiting for Mod Constructor to fix an issue that made it impossible to export mixer interactions.